In the sea of solutions for quizzes, surveys and other tools for interactive experiences, you might’ve come across Mentimeter before.

If you’re thinking about subscribing to it and using its services, hold on for just a little longer. We’re here to help you make your final decision.

We do this by presenting you with the results from our little study of this software. After playing around with it for a while, we come back with our impressions and key highlights.

So before you make a decision you may regret later (or not) – read this article first.

What is Mentimeter?

Mentimeter is an 8-year-old Swedish company from Stockholm. They provide intelligent software dedicated to creating live polls, word clouds, quizzes, Q&As, surveys and even interactive presentations. This tool is used by people for various purposes, for example during private events or classes with students.

Mentimeter – Key Features and our rating

To avoid beating around the bush for too long, let’s dive right into Mentimeter Company’s main features.

We have decided to speak about the top 10 of them. What’s more, we have given each a certain rating out of 10 points.

What are they and how well do they work in our opinion? You’re about to find out.

Disclaimer: the rating we have given for each feature may be affected with bias and is our testers’ personal opinion.

#1 Website: 6/10

Before actually signing up for this interactive presentation platform, we first took a look at their website.

From the first impression, it looks pretty simple and clear. You can quickly find details like:

  • features,
  • solutions,
  • resources,
  • pricing,

and more.

We didn’t however notice any live chat support. This would’ve been of much help had we had some questions about the pricing or the features, for example. It’s a shame as we were actually looking to chat to support and ask some additional questions about the product before deciding to sign up.

The live chat only appeared on the website after signing up, which we’ll talk about now.

#2 Signing up: 3/10

After taking a virtual walk around the website, it was time to sign up.

Here, all we needed to do was:

  • provide basic information, including first and last name, email address and password,
  • choose the desired subscription plan (we chose the free one),
  • choose the place of using the tool (education? work? other?),
  • choose the goal of using the tool (engagement? training and education? other?),

and we were able to start using it.

Here, we unfortunately came across an unpleasant surprise. Despite a Facebook and Google sign up being possible options, we opted in for the traditional way of registering – using just email.

To our surprise, we didn’t receive any welcome message to our email inbox that would confirm we successfully created an account with Mentimeter.

We found it to be quite unusual. At first, we thought it would just reach our inbox a little later, but no – nothing. Thus, we give this aspect just 3 points.

#3 Resources: 7/10

Having successfully created an account, we knew we had to educate ourselves a bit more before attempting to create a quiz or presentation.

That’s why we decided to check out Mentimeters’ resources.

The resources we were able to find are:

  • “How To” guides section,
  • MentiAcademy courses,
  • Templates,
  • Webinars,
  • Blog,
  • Integrations, and lastly,
  • Help Center.

One thing that could be done better here however is providing a bit more video content for an improved user experience.

All in all, well done for the company for creating these undoubtedly useful materials.

#4 Subscription plans: 9/10

Looking at subscription plans, there’s little we could complain about here.

This interactive presentation tool did a good job creating plans for both small and big users.

 Their subscription plans are as follows:

  • free ($0 per month): includes unlimited presentations and unlimited audience,
  • basic ($11.99 per month): includes unlimited questions and import presentations,
  • pro ($24.99 per month): includes collaboration and branding tools,
  • enterprise (custom price): includes company-wide branding like logotype for presentations.

We find these subscription plans to be fairly priced: they’re competitive compared to other solutions on the market.

One aspect that could be improved here is the billing system though. Currently, it’s only yearly billing that is available. This could be a bit inconvenient for those wishing to use the tool only a few times or just for a couple of weeks.

#5 Customer support: 4/10

Moving on, let’s talk a little bit about the customer support, or more like the lack of it.

As we already mentioned, the company does not have any live chat available on the website that users or potential users could turn to. What’s more, contacting any sort of support was quite inconvenient for us to be fair.

It seems that the only option is using email. What’s more, we got the impression that email is checked very occasionally. That’s because it took a good couple of days to get a response.

There was also no option to send a direct message to Mentimeter on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Because of this, our rating for this area is rather low, with just 4 points.

Our experience in this field would have definitely been improved greatly with a simple live chat. Considering it’s a company with nearly 300 employees, it’s a shame this has not been implemented yet.

#6 Question types: 5/10

Looking at question types, we didn’t find anything “too extra” about it. Mentimeter offers basic question types to choose from.

 They include:

  • multiple-choice questions,
  • open-ended questions,
  • scale questions,
  • ranking questions,

and a few more.

Compared to other tools similar to Mentimeter, this isn’t some rich variety of question. It could be easily enhanced by adding questions like email, short text, linear scale and picture choice (something that YouEngage offers for example).

As a whole, we have mixed feelings about this aspect of the tool. Our rating is therefore 5 out of 10.

#7 User interface: 1/10

Compared to other platforms, Mentimeter user experience leaves some areas for improvement.

Creating quizzes or polls could be tweaked here and there. At first, we thought it was the matter of getting used to the tool but no – not in this case.

The process was quite tedious and we couldn’t figure out many options, such as:

  • customizing a templates’ text,
  • adjusting images,
  • changing font size,

 and a few more.

So it was a little bit disappointing because the visual looks of the tool on its own was more than good. However, a nice look won’t do much good if the tool is too difficult for users to use and navigate. Given how important user experience is, the rating we decided to give is just 1 point.

#8 Presentations: 6/10

Going further, we thought it was important to bring the topic of Mentimeter’s presentations.

Changing the order of slides using drag and drop is far from perfect.

Thus, it’s not a good look for the tool. Every time we wanted to import a presentation, we had to make sure everything was in the right order. Otherwise, we would have to start from scratch again.

Now we’ll be honest- the process turned out to be just inconvenient. Some features would also occasionally freeze, which made the whole experience way more challenging than we anticipated.

Solid 6 points are a fair rating here.

#9 Templates: 7/10

Moving on, we wouldn’t be ourselves if we didn’t check out the available templates that are out there for Mentimeter users.

What made a positive impression on us is the number of them. Mentimeter did a fairly good job creating enough templates for even those most picky users.

You can choose templates for various fields, including:

  • business and meetings (sales, HR, marketing, onboarding, training, workshops, brainstorming, pitch desks and more),
  • education (science, history, geography, mathematics, languages, assessments and lecture templates),
  • quizzes,
  • icebreakers,
  • polls,
  • surveys,
  • fun and games.

The templates are of various lengths too, so users can definitely choose something for themselves.

One thing that doesn’t sit quite right with us though is the availability of the templates. After taking a deeper look, it turned out that some of the templates are only available for the subscribers of a professional plan.

#10 Device adaptability: 5/10

Last but not least, we give Mentimeter’s device adaptability feature 5 points. 5, because that feature is there. You can use your quizzes, surveys and more on mobile devices: Android, iOS and ChromeOS.

However, there’s nothing out of the ordinary about it here. We got an impression that it could’ve been slightly more customized looks and features-wise from an improved user experience.

What’s more, creating quizzes is definitely easier when done using desktop devices.

In fact, even the Mentimeter guidelines recommend using desktop devices for creating surveys and more. This is a pretty clear sign that the user interface on mobile devices is far from perfect. Now, it’s just the respondents who may have a relatively positive experience interacting with Mentimeter on mobile.

We hope to see some tangible improvements on this level in the future.

Final score: 53/100

Summary: All in all, this tool received an overall rating of 53/100 points. Mentimeter is a stable solution for creating all sorts of interaction tools like polls and quizzes. However, in our opinion it’s nothing out of the ordinary. Most of the time (not always though) the tool works correctly and doesn’t crash. There is nothing that would take our breath away about this tool though. There are far more exciting and rich in features on various levels solutions out there. Thus, we believe that you may want to seek an alternative solution.

Tools that are better than Mentimeter – Alternatives you should know

Speaking of alternatives, you may already know that there are plenty of them out there.

However, making a choice can be very challenging. And that’s especially if you’re just starting your journey with creating quizzes and other interaction or engagement tools.

That’s why we come to the rescue with a recommendation that is 100/100 in our eyes – YouEngage.

YouEngage is the ultimate solution to create interactive online experiences that convert. Thanks to:

  • rich features,
  • useful integrations,
  • amazing, varied templates,
  • reliable, foolproof user interface,
  • affordable, budget-friendly pricing,
  • flawless device adaptability, and lastly,
  • top-notch customer support,

YouEngage is a tool that meets even the most sophisticated demands. Whether you want to create engaging presentations or simply host quizzes – YouEngage will positively surprise you on many levels.

mentimeter alternative

We also value positive user experience more than ever. This is why we’re always working on improving our product. This way, we don’t age and our features are always modern.

We also don’t like to throw words on the wind. Thus, we invite you to take a look at our reviews. Our happy and satisfied customers are the best proof that YouEngage is a solid and reliable solution.

See also:

MyQuiz Alternatives: All You Need to Know

Interact Quiz Builder review

TriviaMaker review


So sign up for a free trial now. We’re absolutely thrilled to have you join our happy users. We won’t let you down- that’s for sure!

The advantages of YouEngage over Mentimeter

As you may have already noticed, Mentimeter is a live quiz tool. It differs significantly from YouEngage in one (seemingly) small aspect: use cases. 

As a Mentimeter subscriber, you can create and use surveys: 

🟢 during live classes with students

🟢 during live meetings with employees

🟢 during live events and fairs

However, YouEngage offers that and much more. On top of any type of live events, you get the possibility to use your quizzes asynchronously:

🟢 during live classes with students

🟢 during live meetings with employees

🟢 during live events 

🟢 on your website (🔴 Mentimeter)

🟢 on a landing page (🔴 Mentimeter)

🟢 in email newsletters (🔴 Mentimeter)

All of that is included in the same, one subscription. As a Mentimeter user, you’d need a separate tool to be able to take advantage of these additional use cases offered by YouEngage. 

In this sense, YouEngage is a much wiser solution: both feature and budget-wise. 

So do you want to pay for 2 separate tools or would you like to solve everything with one powerful and reliable solution?

Kick off your quiz making journey with a bang (and without Mentimeter)

Quizzes and surveys are a great way to get feedback from your customers. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as customer satisfaction, market research, and product development.

There are many tools that you can use to create quizzes and surveys. One of them is Mentimeter.

After reading this article, you should have a pretty clear idea whether or not you want to subscribe to Mentimeter.

We hope you enjoyed our review. Our main goal was to save your time and make sure you end up making a decision that you’ll be happy with.

 If you feel that Mentimeter isn’t the solution for you, we kindly invite you to check YouEngage out and try our solution out. We’re sure that our tool will leave both you and your respondents satisfied.

 Other than that, thanks for reading the article and we hope to see you around soon. Be sure to check out our similar articles too.

Good luck!

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