100+ Best Poll Questions to Ask and Improve Survey Results

Polls, surveys and questionnaires are great tools used by businesses for various purposes. For example, businesses use them to learn...

How to Use a Business Survey Effectively

What are the best business survey? Here is a list of proven practices that will make running surveys more effective.

Typeform Quiz: 20+ Questions We Answered

Are you looking to get to know the Typeform software better? Perhaps you have some specific questions about it? If...

Best Product Recommender Tool for 2023 and Beyond

The purpose of product recommendation tools is to improve the customer experience by offering personalized product suggestions to customers. Providing...

Master the Art of Quiz Promotion: SEO Techniques You Need to Know

Picture yourself elevating your quiz’s exposure, magnetizing your intended audience, and ramping up your marketing game plan, all by leveraging...

8 Best Practices for Creating an Engaging Quiz for Your Brand

Quizzes are one of the most underestimated marketing tools available. They can be used to engage with your target audience,...

Best Form Builder – What Is It & How To Find It?

Looking to start creating effective forms? Maybe your current form builder is underdelivering and overcharging? We got you covered! Join...

Creating Viral Quizzes: Tips and Tricks for Boosting User Engagement

Quizzes have emerged as a potent tool for engaging audiences and driving traffic. Even better if they are viral. These...

Main Challenges for Conducting Surveys

Surveys remain a pivotal tool in data collection, offering insights into public opinions, market trends, and various other sectors. However,...

10+ Types of Surveys You Should Run for Your Business

Understanding and meeting customer expectations is not just a goal—it’s a necessity for survival and growth. With digital transformation at...