Would you like to know how to measure the characteristics and behavior of your customers effectively? If you make a personality quiz, you might just get what you need! 

It reveals personality types, tendencies, and relevant information for your business, which makes it a very popular way to reach out to your customers. Apart from this, such tests are also great fun and provide enjoyable content.

However, designing content like this can be a challenging task. 

For your personality quiz online, you need to consider all the different elements, create an appropriate context, and design the ideal layout. Do you know how exactly personality quizzes work? Or how you can build them? If not, you’re about to find out.

Let’s start!

What is a personality quiz?

An online personality quiz is a type of content where you ask a series of closed-ended and open-ended questions to find out someone’s preferences, personality traits and interests. These questionnaires combine several techniques and questions to assess personality patterns and traits in different situations. 

Individualized quizzes deliver tailored experiences. There’s also no stress for the person doing the quiz as there are no right or wrong answers. Using a simple scoring system, you can create a series of questions and connect the answers to quiz outcomes.

As a tool for behavioral assessment, quizzes provide context for an individual’s personality and enable you to predict how they will behave in different circumstances. For instance, it can be used in marketing strategies, recruitment (along with recruitment AI tools), student admission, and psychological evaluations. Personality tests can also be helpful during medical treatment. 

On the other hand, such quizzes allow you to have conversations with your audience, turn them into email subscribers and customers, and as part of market research. This means that they aren’t just limited to one industry and use case, and there’s a good chance you can benefit from quizzes too.

The information that you get from quizzes can help you if you are a:

  1. business owner, 
  2. recruiter, 
  3. administrator, 
  4. psychologist,
  5. teacher,
  6. etc.

Why do you need a personality quiz?

The idea of awesome personality quizzes online looks very tempting, but what benefits do they exactly give you? What do they do for your business?

how to make a personality quiz

Let’s see:

#1 Provide extended data

By implementing a personality quiz online, you get valuable information about your customers. Using such tests, you can collect feedback from many respondents at the same time. What’s more, by sending out an online personality quiz or survey to thousands of people at once, you can collect highly representative responses of a larger population.

Also, quizzes are a great option if you are trying to collect data on a budget. You can use many free online quiz tools to create and administer a survey or quiz in minutes at a low or no cost. This reduces the total overhead costs you would have incurred when collecting data. 

#2 Improve your engagement

Do not forget about increasing engagement when thinking about personality quizzes online. Use fun and exciting personality tests to make your brand stand out. This type of content will likely attract more attention to your company than you think! 

Interactive content attracts more attention to your quiz because it is entertaining, which leads to more revenue. Using a personality test, you can capture prospects’ attention, drive them to your website, and engage them longer. You can also make your research social-sharing friendly. By using the eye-catching image and optimizing your quiz questions, you can encourage even more participation. 

As quiz takers enjoy sharing cool tests, you can use this trend to create personality ones for best friends, for example. Or maybe you could share your quizzes in special Facebook groups?

#3 Grow your email lists

Adding a personality quiz online to your site will help you to build a more customized email list, gain more email addresses and, as a result, increase sales. These tests are common among brands, entrepreneurs, and influencers. All of them take advantage of this aspect of quizzes in different ways.

By posting a personality quiz on your website, you can build a segmented email list that can be used to follow up with visitors based on their responses. There are many benefits to these types of quizzes, including better conversion rates and more subscribers. Moreover, you can customize welcome emails and follow-ups for every personality type through integrations with your marketing automation tools. 

#4 Get quick results

If you can imagine what it is like to manually share hundreds of questionnaires, quizzes, and interviews about your clients’ personalities, then you know how tiring it is to get all those answers. It involves a lot of people and requires a long and thorough analysis afterward.

Fortunately, times have changed. Now we have many social share options. In fact, it only takes a few clicks to see the results of your quizzes immediately. There are many tools out there to ensure that you promptly send quizzes, get answers, manage them all in one place, and do a thorough analysis. We will tell you more about one of them in a second.

#5 Deliver customers with enjoyable content 

And the most exciting thing for customers is that awesome personality quizzes are fun for many people! 

Who doesn’t like doing quizzes in their spare time? Especially if they are short and easy to use? 

Let’s add excellent design, insightful outcomes, and short questions, and you can give your customers a great time! If you can also share these quizzes easily on social media, they connect with friends and encourage them to complete other quizzes. You won’t even notice, and your quiz will attract crowds.

Moreover, even for doctors, psychologists and teachers, such fun personality tests are great for children and teenagers. 

Make a personality quiz with our good practices

If you want to charm your customers with online quizzes, note that they should always contain a few key elements.

#1 An appealing title

Start with the correct quiz title. Although it is a personality quiz, you will not call it a “personality quiz.” Instead, come up with something more original, like “Which Harry Potter character are you?” Or “Do you love watching Big Bang Theory? Find out which character you are!” – and It already looks much better.

You want to make sure your quiz will stand out among the many distractions on the Internet, right? With a correct quiz title that makes people excited, you will have a quiz that will be popular with a specific segment. Finally, you’ll hit the home run by combining the correct title, and time, and adding relevant images.

And remember, you should be knowledgeable about the quiz topic you are creating. It will be better for you as you want to make some conclusions at the end.

#2 A short introduction

To be clear about what’s coming, write a small introduction or a quiz description at the beginning of your quiz. 

Here you can write:

  1. what the purpose of the quiz is, 
  2. who can take part in it (if there are any restrictions and preferences for the respondents), 
  3. how many questions it consists of, etc. 

This section must be kept short so that it does not intimidate those who are interested. On the other hand, it’s good to know what the quiz will look like, so don’t limit yourself to one sentence.

Remember that the research is supposed to be intuitive above everything else, so place a button in a prominent place that will allow customers to take the quiz.

#3 Proper questions and correct answers

The key role is also choosing the right question types and answers to get the right results. Do not ask random questions – then the quiz will not make sense.

Also, find the ideal number of questions and answer options. It shouldn’t be too much or too little. Try something between 7 and 10 questions. With fewer than 7, the quiz doesn’t seem like much of an experience as it goes too quickly. More than 10 questions often feel overwhelming. 

The first 3 questions are important and they grab the customers’ attention. If people love them, they will finish the quiz and boost the completion rate. The last question should be the cherry on the ice cream, as you want to go out with a bang.

In addition, create the number of answers for each quiz. Only 3 do not give much choice, but 5 are a better option. They will also make your recipients reflect better on their thoughts.

#4 Conclusions

Finally, derive appropriate conclusions from the answers, which are logical, introduce a lot of interesting information and are based on the selected answers as much as possible.

Give weight to each answer, which will make it easier for you to identify personalities. If you want to make assigning points to outcomes easier, make sure you have answers distinctly different from each other. 

You will create a score for each personality. For example, if you have 5 answers, then divide the points from 1 to 5. After the quiz is completed, the points will add up and show the customer what personality is predominant for them. Piece of cake, right?

If you want to make sure your quiz is balanced, though, get a bunch of friends, family, and coworkers to take it. Then look at the actual results, optimize the game, and see if it is working.

5 best steps on how to create a personality quiz online

#1 Identify the context

The best personality quizzes provide a smooth experience for all audiences. That is why its text and context are so important.

So, first, think about the quiz content of your interactive quiz, as this is the first point you should keep in mind. It should be clear and consistent from the beginning of the quiz to its end. This means that: 

  • you should clearly state what the quiz is about in the title,
  • the introduction should also be about the quiz,
  • the answers should match the questions. 

Therefore, if you plan everything right, you will create a coherent piece of content.

Moreover, if you follow these simple steps correctly, you will encourage more users to fill in your online quiz as you will provide them with what they were looking for, i.e., answer the question posed in the quiz topic.

And after the necessary background work has been developed, you can go further and create layouts for conversion.

#2 Design a layout

When the context is ready, move on to the more exciting things, like designing and quiz cover!

There are many simple questions you need to answer at this stage, including:

  1. What is the theme of the quiz?
  2. Do you want to use a favorite character from a series, movie, fairy tale, or something else?
  3. What is the age of the target audience?
  4. What colors will you choose?
  5. Will you use a ready-made quiz template?

This is important because the answers to this list of questions will allow you to tailor your quiz even more to your audience and will create a more intriguing experience for them. 

This step doesn’t need to last long as there are special tools for designing personality quizzes online, like YouEngage. 

#3 Create outcomes

Now it’s time for results. The outcome of a personality test needs to align with the answers given. So, yes, none of the conclusions should be thought up on the spot. Instead, they are connected to the most recurring responses.

The goal is to create short, powerful, and memorable results so that the customer feels understood and satisfied. But, on the other hand, don’t overwhelm the person taking the quiz with overly detailed test results. Instead, you can leave a small incentive that will make customers want to take do more quizzes in the future.

You can also include a positive message at the end, if the personality outcome is not encouraging. This will leave the customer with a good feeling after finishing it. So, try to give all your results a positive spin, regardless of how somebody’s personality manifests. Doing so increases the shareability of the quiz. 

#4 Add CTA

And of course, don’t forget about the CTA. If your quiz is well prepared, many users will make it through to the end. In addition, by including a call to action in the last part of your test, you can amplify its reach through sharing and call to action buttons. 

Social share buttons ensure your quiz reaches a broader audience. On the other hand, the CTA button can redirect users to a specific section of your website or the following examination. In addition, you can give your customers the option of signing up by giving them a direct link to the right website. Consequently, they may end up being a part of your future lead nurturing campaign, marketing campaign, etc. A good example of a company that used CTA’s well is Split My Fare. They drive roughly 150k organic users to their site each month and they keep their CTAs very simple. Examples of ones they use include click here, learn more and explore your options. 

How to make a personality quiz with YouEngage

All of this is made much easier by YouEngage! Our online quiz maker allows you to create beautiful research without needing any developer services. It is easy to use, intuitive, and at affordable price. 

Your company recipients can get results based on their own subjective responses with a personality test. 

That is why this personality quiz and test maker enables you to:

  1. create smart tests,
  2. use personality quiz templates,
  3. take advantage of built-in analytics,
  4. integrate the online quiz maker software with your website, email list, social media audience,
  5. enrich your online events with live quizzes,
  6. enhance the audience experience,
  7. and boost conversion rate.

What’s more, this software is super easy to use and you don’t have to create a quiz from scratch thanks to it. The YouEngage dashboard is user-friendly and convenient. Even if you have never made a personality quiz online, you will feel familiar with it after the first try. One of its main advantages is the ability to customize the test look thanks to the quiz feature. 

You can also embed or share your quiz with the rest of your social media networks in a matter of seconds, allowing you to obtain feedback, statistics, and insights about your customers much faster than when done manually!

Make a personality quiz today!

Interactive personality quizzes have many advantages in market research, recruitment, and psychology. If you ask the right questions using the right format, you can discover relevant insights, for example, into a person’s motivations, behaviors, and preferences. 

You can deliver well-crafted personality quizzes that will help, bring fun, or fulfill the needs of your recipients in the best way. 

Try out YouEngage for free for  14-days and start creating beautiful, engaging quizzes today!

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