A fully functional form on a website isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. It’s the bridge that connects your business to its customers, the conduit through which valuable information flows. Whether it’s a simple contact form or a complex order form, it’s a tool that can make or break the user experience on your website.
The Basics of Building a Form on Your Website
Building a form on your website isn’t rocket science, but it does require a bit of planning and know-how. You’ll need to decide what information you want to collect, how you want to collect it, and what you’re going to do with it once you have it. You’ll also need to consider the user experience – a form that’s difficult or confusing to fill out is a form that’s likely to be abandoned halfway through.
Best Practices for Creating a Good Form
Keep it Simple
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, especially when it comes to form design. A simple form is like a breath of fresh air for users – it’s easy to understand, easy to fill out, and easy to submit. For example, if you’re asking for a user’s address, break it down into smaller, bite-sized fields like city, state, and zip code. It’s less overwhelming and more manageable for the user.
Use Clear Labels
Clear labels are like signposts on a highway – they guide users and help them understand what’s expected of them. For instance, labeling a field as “Email Address” instead of just “Email” leaves no room for confusion. The user knows exactly what information to provide.
Include Helpful Error Messages
Error messages are like friendly nudges that guide users back on track when they veer off course. They’re not just about pointing out mistakes; they’re about helping users correct them. For example, if a user enters an invalid email address, a helpful error message could explain what a valid email address looks like.
Make it Mobile-Friendly
In today’s digital age, a mobile-friendly form isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. It’s like having a door that’s wide enough for all your guests to enter. For instance, ensuring your form fields are large enough to be easily tapped on a mobile screen can make the form filling process a breeze for mobile users.
Use Appropriate Field Types
Using the right field type for the right information is like using the right tool for the right job – it makes the task easier and more efficient. For example, using a dropdown menu for a field asking users to select their state of residence can make the form filling process quicker and smoother.
Provide a Clear Call to Action
A clear call to action is like a finish line – it tells users where they need to go and what they can expect when they get there. For instance, a button labeled “Submit Application” is more informative and reassuring than a generic “Submit” button. You can use procreate brushes to design clear call to action buttons.
Prioritize Security
Security isn’t just about protecting your business; it’s about protecting your users. It’s like building a fence around your house – it gives you peace of mind and reassures your guests that they’re safe. For example, using HTTPS for your form and including a link to your privacy policy and a security questionnaire can reassure users that their information will be securely handled.
Use Conditional Logic
Conditional logic is like a smart assistant – it anticipates the user’s needs and adapts accordingly. For example, if a user selects “Other” in a dropdown menu, a new field can appear for them to provide additional information. It’s a small detail that can make a big difference in the user experience.
Test Your Form
Testing your form is like doing a dressrehearsal before the big show – it helps you catch any issues and fix them before the curtain rises. For instance, filling out the form yourself can help you see things from the user’s perspective and ensure everything works as expected.
Ask for Only Necessary Information
Asking for only the necessary information is like packing light for a trip – it’s easier, quicker, and more convenient. For example, if you’re running a simple newsletter signup, you probably only need to ask for an email address. It’s a small detail that can make a big difference in the user experience.
Offer Help and Support
Offering help and support is like having a tour guide on a trip – it’s reassuring and helpful. For instance, including a help link or a chatbot on your form can answer common questions and assist users if they’re having trouble.
Implement Field Validation
Field validation acts as a gatekeeper, ensuring that users provide the necessary and correctly formatted information. For instance, if a user attempts to submit a form without filling out a required field, a validation message can gently nudge them to complete it. This not only helps maintain the integrity of the data collected but also guides users to successfully complete the form.
Use Placeholder Text
Placeholder text serves as a subtle guide, providing users with hints or examples of what to enter in each field. For example, in an email field, the placeholder text could be “example@email.com”. This can help users understand what’s expected in each field, reducing the likelihood of errors and confusion.
Design for Accessibility
Designing your form with accessibility in mind is like opening your doors wide to welcome all users, including those with disabilities. High contrast colors for text and background, for instance, can assist users with visual impairments. It’s about creating an inclusive experience that allows everyone to interact with your form easily and effectively.
Provide Progress Indicators for Long Forms
Progress indicators are like signposts on a long journey, showing users how far they’ve come and how far they have left to go. If your form has multiple sections, a progress bar at the top can show users their progress as they complete each section. This can help users manage their time and expectations, making the form filling process less daunting.
Allow Users to Save and Continue Later
Life’s busy, and sometimes users might not have the time or ability to complete a long form in one sitting. Offering a “Save and Continue Later” feature is like offering a bookmark to a reader – it allows users to pick up where they left off, ensuring they don’t lose their progress.
Use Captchas to Prevent Spam
Captchas are like bouncers at a club, keeping unwanted spam and automated submissions at bay. A simple “I’m not a robot” checkbox can help ensure that your form is being filled out by a human, protecting your form from spam and maintaining the quality of your data.
Building a fully functional form on your website isn’t just about collecting information; it’s about creating a positive user experience. It’s about building trust, facilitating communication, and making interactions with your business as smooth and seamless as possible.
Furthermore, the implementation of dedicated landing pages specifically designed for feedback can go a long way in enhancing the user experience and simplifying the process for users to share their valuable input.
By following these best practices, you can create a form that not only serves your business needs but also meets and exceeds user expectations. So roll up your sleeves and get to work – your users (and your conversion rates) will thank you.