No need to convince anybody about the benefits coming from testing students these days. Quizzes and tests have always been an inseparable part of teaching. However, in days of online learning, this type of testing knowledge has been given a new meaning in online schooling.

Before the boom of online learning, teachers could simply test their students in the classroom or via homework. Covid has made it more accessible now, and even tho going back to classroom teaching, many teachers prefer online quizzes rather than traditional tests. There are reasons and lots of benefits coming from it, and today, we’re going to go through the most important aspects of using a knowledge quiz in your classroom. 

Turn stress into success.

How to turn stressful testing into a worthy educational experience? Studies say that students pay more attention to their learning material when tests are well prepared and remain fun and engaging. But, as Henry L Roediger III says in his article for New York Times, most of the things we hear, read, or see are very quickly forgotten. So the biggest challenge is to find a stem to forgetting! As he continues, the question is how to structure tests effectively. He also mentioned that the best tests serve students and are far from “make it or break it” testing standards. It’s more about starting a quiz testing culture in your classroom rather than testing knowledge from memory. When all students have a common business, learning starts being fun! 

Easy to create!

No coding is needed! You can simply drag and drop your quiz within a few minutes! Use one of our ready-to-use templates or create an individual one! Use images, videos, gifs, and colors to create an outstanding classroom quiz

Example – English Grammar Quiz ( here is a link to quiz templates )

Increase attendance 

An experiment showed that short quizzes at the start of each class increased attendance. Regardless of whether the quiz takes place online only or in a classroom, a quiz has this touch of fun, which makes students feel more comfortable. 

Instant feedback

Online testing can be so much time-saving! Teachers know best how much time it takes to rank on every homework. Using an online test or a quiz can give you instant feedback and save you hours every week! In addition, you can send test results to your students or make a quiz in real-time and show the results during the class. You can also monitor performance and download results as XLS.

One of the biggest challenges when testing your students via online quizzes is the risk of cheating. We’ve all been there, and we’ve all seen things. The reason why students cheat on tests is simple. They all rank students’ knowledge via memory, but as studies show, a well-created quiz teaches itself while testing! When creating questions, refer to associations, put a helpful word or sentence so your students can easily find the correct answer. Randomize questions, touch specific problems and let them see the right solutions. These techniques will help your students see that educations are more than just showing up and clicking tests!

We’ve discussed most of the essential benefits of a static quiz. How about going a level up and starting an interactive real-time quiz during your live classroom?! 

What is an interactive real-time quiz?

The difference between a static quiz and a real-time live event quiz is called MAGIC! Imagine a classroom event on Zoom or any other video communicator or an in-person event with your students. You can create a quiz, get instant results, share them on the classroom screen within a few clicks!

So, here is how it works step by step. 

  • Start an online event or in-person event in your classroom.
  • Set up a quiz
  • Send the link to your students, or ask them to scan the QR code when you share your screen.
  • Ask your students to open the link on their mobile phones or in a new tab on the desktop. 
  • Now your students can start the quiz 
  • And you can show the results on the screen! 

Technology development requires new teaching techniques, and the education system must keep pace with technological changes. Interactive engagement helps connect with the presenter. Then, having your students engaged during the class, you come up with the best part of learning: learning by doing! No doubt that static and real-time quizzes can increase the efficiency of your teaching techniques. 

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