Introducing the Analyze Section for Events!

Now you can check all data related to your interactive event like engagement metrics, a summary of all user answers,...

Checkboxes on Form Type of Questions

With checkboxes, you can now include multiple options for users to select from, such as consent for terms of service...

Text Formatting in Titles and Descriptions

You can now enhance your content with text formatting options like bold, italic, and text color. Make your titles and...

Email notifications

Receive email notifications or send a follow-up email to new respondents when they have engaged with your project.

Answer piping

Answer Piping allows you to insert, or "pipe," answer text from a previous question into a question on a later...

Easy to find Present mode and Share option

Right now you can easily find the Present mode and Share option for your events. We moved this function to...

Giphy Integration

GIPHY is an online database and search engine through which users can find those short looping videos we all love....

Integration with Unsplash

Since today you can use huge library of high-quality images brought by Unsplash’s community of over 300,000 photographers, making it...

Multiple answers on Events

Since today you can now setup also multiple answers on your Events. Simple check "allow multiple answers" on Question Options...

Open in new window in Exit Link and Automatic Redirect

When you use the "Exit Link" button or "Automatic Redirect" function on your Thank you/Result screen now you can choose...