Linear scale extended configuration

Choose from more than 1000 beautiful fonts when you design your Project or Event thanks to Google Fonts implementation.

Google Fonts implementation

Choose from more than 1000 beautiful fonts when you design your Project or Event thanks to Google Fonts implementation.

Result of Calculation as Variable

Happy to announce that today you can put the result of the calculation in your Calculator or Score Quiz into...

New Mathematical Operators in Calculator

There was a big update in our Formula Builder that you can find in Calculator or Score Quiz. Since today...

New Present Mode in Events

Today we introduced a new Present mode that allows you to create and run your polls, Q&A, and interactive sessions...

Multiple Thank You Screens on Survey&Form type

Now you can setup multiple Thank You Screens on your Survey or Form, so you are able to use these...

The Score Range for Calculator type

Since today you are able to put many Result Screens with different Score Ranges on Calculator type. Thanks to that...

Setup your custom domain

Today we introduced a custom domain feature that will allow using your domain or subdomain for all external links for...

Introducing Webhooks

Automatically send JSON structured data to your endpoint and code your own integration.

Partial Results

Now you can see all user results on your Projects, not only finished by the user but also partial results...